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Merging expertise to co-create powerful workplace programmes



Eimear Stassin was one of the first people I met when I moved to the UK - at the time, she was Standard Life's in-house trainer, and I really liked her content and her approach to delivery. Over the years, a friendship developed in addition to professional respect.


In 2017,  when Eimear launched her leadership and coaching business, as well as becoming a soul-based coach, working together seemed like a really natural next step for both of us. 

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Our co-created courses have come from the dovetailing of our knowledge and experience. Here are some examples of the courses we've run in the past - let us know if you're interested in one of these or if you'd like us to create something tailored for your organisation.

Unconscious Bias and Mental Health at Work


In this workshop, we'll look at the facts involved in understanding how addressing unconscious bias and mental health can improve your workplace both for everyone working there and for your bottom line.


You will learn how to:

  • Improve your decision-making

  • De-bias processes like recruitment, career progression and succession planning

  • Understand the biases that come with mental health

  • How to speak to people about mental health


For Leaders in Business, including HR, this workshop allows you to step away from your day to day role to connect and exchange ideas amongst peers.



½ day

Full Day

2 Days

Combine with the all of some of the other modules


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Leading Beyond Bias and Imposter Syndrome 

Step into your authentic self as a leader


This module addresses and acknowledges our personal biases. This is part of being human.  We will educate and guide you to step into your authentic whole self as a leader.


You will:

  • Have s p a c e to think differently

  • Have discussion & reflection time

  • Time to learn and share your own experiences and expertise

  • Practical tools to take away and implement immediately


All within the safe learning environment that Jasmine and Eimear create.


You will learn how to:

  • Access your inner imposter

  • Identify where you are underestimating your skills

  • Lead beyond these inner and outer biases

  • Step into your whole self as a leader with immediate action steps


This powerful and experiential module allows you to make friends with your biases and step beyond them into that leader that you yearn to be.  Using practical and versatile tools, teachings and techniques.



½ day

Full Day

Webinar / Online Workshop

Combine with the all of some of the other modules


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